Blog Entries
Community Spotlight, Week of 1-25-10

As promised in last week's post "Community Site Revamp," I bring you our first ever Community Spotlight! For those that didn't get a chance to read the news post, the purpose of the Community Spotlight is to make it easier for both the developers and the community to interact with each other and improve the Spruz platform.

Because this is so new there may be changes to how it works in the future. For the time being you'll find the forum topic's name with a link back to the topic, along with a few of the main points brought up by either the original poster or other members. Feel free to stop by these topics and voice your opinion as well. If you have any suggestions for the Owners' Community website remember that you can post them in this thread.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Disclaimer 1: Just because an idea appears on this list does NOT mean that the developers will be working on it. This list is provided just to help them chart out possible future updates and to get a general overview of what the members are saying. Spruz maintains the right to plan updates as they see fit.

Disclaimer 2: Only threads that had at least one community member other than the original poster are featured in this list.

'Reply' option on [profile] comments

  • Tainted_Zeal: It would be nice for us to have the ability to reply to comments left on our profiles like we're able to with blogs. This could also be added to pictures.
  • Four other members stopped by to give their support.

Move pics in Collections & Choose cover pic

  • Tainted_Zeal: It would be helpful to move pictures in albums, as well as select what picture we want to be the cover of the album.
  • jay314431: Spent a long time naming and organizing their pictures before uploading, only to have them to upload in a different order. Wanted to upload them as a timeline so the reordering ruined their plans.

Users can rate the Blog Posts

  • The Angry Movie Dork: Give users the ability to rate blog posts on a scale from 1-5 if they're logged in.
  • Josh Soderling: It should be made a "standard" for all releases Spruz makes.
  • randya: It shouldn't stop with blogs. Photos, forums, profiles and all the other systems should have this built into it. The ratings would all tie in together to give each user an individual rating to reflect their contribution to the site.
  • Edvard D: Combining it with the future "Points System" might be a good idea as well.
  • The Angry Movie Dork: The expanded ideas are good, but not everyone would want to use it. People should have a choice as to what systems are included. Why would we want to rate users?
  • Edvard D: People wouldn't rate users directly, they would just rate the content they post. This encourages everyone to improve the quality of what they're sharing on your website.
  • meuslix: There needs to be elements added to the system to show the rating.

Would you want to see the word "post" instead of "save" when you publish a comment/reply?

  • kanoobi: It should say "post" when you make the initial post, and "save" when you edit it.
  • Kirumiri: You get used to it after a while, but it's still awkward when you post something.
  • The thread has received 16 votes for it to be changed.

File Manager Update

  • AdamThiele: A major problem with the file manager is that it's impossible to move files around.
  • kanoobi: Good point but may be difficult to add. Right now we have to re upload them to the correct file.

More topics coming next week! In the future we plan to expand the selection of forum topics covered beyond just the Idea Room, but we're going to take it slow to ensure everything's done correctly. This week's list is more or less a "test" to see what things we need to change in the future. Let us know what you think and what topics you thought should have been added to the list!


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