So whatever is here, allow it to be here and notice it. Flow State Training Program Review And be aware of the noticing. Because really if you look, you are not noticing it, noticing is happening. Just like thoughts are happening or not happening. You can remove the thoughts, you can remove the emotions, you can even lose identification with the body, but the noticing cannot be removed. You can see whether there is thought or no thought, you still exist. Consciousness always remains. Resting in this state of pure consciousness will lead you all the way to spiritual enlightenment.

If you have understood the concept of the binaural brainwave completely then it will be easier for you to know how you can perform brainwave meditation. The concept of the binaural brainwave helps to understand the activity of your brain and how it follows the frequency of the predominant beat and respond only to it out of the all the frequencies available at a time. You can very easily meditate deeply, in the past it would take ages for a person to attain meditation over his brainwaves.

Brain wave meditation is very effective in improving your concentration and focus. The people who have tried brain wave meditation after understanding the concept thoroughly were able to meditate and reach a theta state of mind in their very first attempt. Brain meditation helps you to reach those states of mind that you have never experienced before and help you relax and calm down. Meditation is good for health and it has been approved clinically as well. It helps to strengthen your thinking power, creativity and lets you see the thing in a different prospective. It helps you to improve your thinking process and cognition and help to refresh your mind and build in new ideas.
