Eat blueberries - I know, you've heard it again and  Zenith Labs Vision 20 Review again that health has a lot to do with diet. Unfortunately, it's true. Blueberries have extremely high levels of antioxidants which helps to keep harmful chemicals at bay. Don't smoke - This may seem like an obvious one since smoking can cause anything from heart disease to lung cancer but it's also the leading cause of cataracts, glaucoma and dry eye syndrome. If you smoke, talk to your doctor about quitting, it's just not worth the risks.

Eat more fish - Fish has omega 3-fatty acids in them and help fight off dry eye syndrome. Practice distant focus eye exercises - Staring at a computer all day can train your eyes to see things only at a near range. Throughout the day look up from your computer and stare at objects that are far away. It will improve your field of vision and give your eyes relief from tunnel vision. Eat spinach twice a week - Spinach is full of lutein, a nutrient that fights cataracts. Add it to salads or if you're going to cook it, it's best to use olive oil.

Move your computer to just below eye level - Doing this will force your lids to cover the top part of your eye. It protects the eye from becoming dried out and irritated throughout the day. These are just a few suggestions to keep your eyes healthy and improve your eyesight. Unfortunately, the medical community has yet to find a better way to stay healthy than through better diet and exercise.
