A few years ago, I shifted to a plant-based diet - eating certified organic and locally-grown whenever possible. As a direct result, I have less dependency on the over-wrought healthcare system, I sleep well and wake refreshed, and I am contributing to the sustainability of our planet.Ground-breaking vegan chef and social activist Isa Chandra Moskowitz says it well, '...my taste buds are finally catching up with my ethics." I leave you with this inspiring TED Talks lecture, presented by Dan Buettner, who has studied the world's "Blue Zones," communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. He shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep these centenarians spry.

Tinnitus is a hearing disorder with the symptom of continuous ringing sounds inside the ears. Patients hear sorts of sounds like buzzing, ringing, grumbling, etc. The sounds are intense enough to make patients suffer difficulties to sleep, concentrate, and work. Serious patients who hear the unwanted sounds all the time can even lose the ability to focus on anything. Until now, there is no instant medical or home cure for tinnitus. Although in most cases the symptoms finally disappear, researchers have found that tinnitus could be an indicator of serious medical conditions.


There are various causes of tinnitus: infections, problems with hearing nerves, excessive wax and other possibilities. Commonly, doctors will conduct some thorough scans including computer tomography and audiogram tests to identify the specific problem in order to give proper recommendations or treatments. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) may be necessary to identify tumors on hearing nerves. Tumors are probably the rarest cause of tinnitus, but the possibilities exist. Some causes such as infections and tumors can only be handled by specialties at health facilities. In order to get rid of the problems, surgery may be required. Nevertheless, other causes are related to fitness or health issues such as excessive earwax, low blood circulation disorders, stress, and so on. Accordingly, keeping the body fit and maintaining the good health condition can help to reduce tinnitus. Indeed, home cure for tinnitus is potentially helping, but it should be provided after the symptom is completely evaluated by doctors.

Tinnitus is not merely caused by continuous exposure to loud noises as many people consider. It may be caused by thyroid problems, diabetes, blood pressure dysfunctions, injuries to the neck or head, etc. When the evaluation to figure out the exact causes of tinnitus is completed, doctors would give the perfect prescriptions to the patients based on the result of the examination. If the patients suffered hormonal problems, blood pressure dysfunctions, or stress, they would only need to make some adjustments to the diets and try to have regular exercise. In this case, home cure for tinnitus are possibly created from herbs or it can be conducted through special treatments including therapy. Certain causes like injuries to the head are actually external problems, which have nothing in relations with ear structures. When injuries are healed, tinnitus will disappear.


