Nobiletin is a very powerful antioxidant in a family  Male Diabetes Solution Review of antioxidants called flavonoids. Antioxidants eradicate free radicals in the body that can lead to cancer, a compromised immune system, and a weakened body that can make it ripe for the development of diabetes. The underlying causes of all of these disorders are the same. Tangerines contain more nobiletin than do oranges but both have a good quantity. Nobiletin is not found in lemons or grapefruit however. However, as an example of how variety is always good, lemons help diabetics in many other ways including very significantly lowering the glycemic index of any food it is added to and making your cells less insulin resistant.

The nobiletin is found in the tissues of the fruit and in the peel so just drinking juice is not as good as eating the whole fruit for this benefit. Grated peel is also a very tasty addition to salads and stirfries. You can also seep tangerine or orange peel in hot water for an excellent and very healthy tea. In fact, tangerine peel is has a mildly sweet flavor as a tea. You really can can cure diabetes through diet and other natural means. I know because I cured my diabetes this way. I went from a HgAC1 of 10.6 to less than 6 (my last reading was 5.2) in less than 6 months and I've been able to keep it that way for quite a long time now. When I was first diagnosed, they were giving me insulin and then they wanted me to take a variety of prescription drugs for life.

They kept talking about how my disease would progress like it was a definite foregone conclusion this would happen. I finally said, "NO!" to the drugs, shopped around to find another doctor who would support my efforts to cure my diabetes naturally, and educated myself extensively on what to eat and what not to eat - and much of it is not as intuitive as you might think!
