Even without all the magical rearrangement of external circumstances  7 day Prayer Miracle Review that Mr Murray and Mr Gonzalez spoke about, it is not difficult to see why commitment creates success. From a practical standpoint, whatever you do whole-heartedly usually gives better results. By putting power behind your actions, positive results are more likely to ensue.

A common question regarding success and commitment is how one can remain committed despite bad external circumstances. I will address that in another article coming up. In the meantime, the information presented in this article about the relationship between success and commitment can be used as a lens to evaluate your current commitments and your path to success. The actions of your life are determined by your last most dominant thought. So, turn your mind to those things that are good, true, beautiful, and noble--and your life will be a reflection of these things. In other words, concentrate on what you want and avoid thinking of things that are counter-productive to your dream life.

What are you thinking about most of the time? If you are not sure, take a look at your life. Whatever you are experiencing, is a result of your thinking. If you want something different, start paying more attention to your thoughts. Human beings have known the power of thought for thousands of years. Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and many others taught their disciples and followers how thought is what creates a persons reality. Philosophers from ancient to modern times have shared the same wisdom. With the understanding of thought and reality being around for so long, and shared by so many, why would a person still choose to think of things they do not want? The reason why human beings think more of what they do not want, compared to what they do want, is how they are programmed to think. Your mental programming are the repetitive, intermittent, and fearful thoughts that run through your mind on a regular basis. These thoughts are generally learned from other people or your own life experiences.

