This means that nobody should pat themselves on Male Diabetes Solution Reviews the back. Steps still need to be taken to reduce and ultimately prevent the incidence of diabetes, and there is still a clear connection between diabetes and kidney disease. The writers of the CDC report speculate that the lower percentage of diabetic ESRD sufferers may be due to better treatments for kidney problems, or some extra attention to risk factors. A team of researchers led by Matthias von Herrath, M.D., demonstrated the usefulness of the computer model that can foresee key information for type 1 diabetes.

It shows that the platform has the capability to predict biomarkers. Biomarkers are specific types of cells that inform a researcher on whether a remedial option is working or not. The new model is said to be worthwhile tool in type 1 diabetes inquiries. The software is intended to facilitate researchers to swiftly streamline laboratory research through the use of scenarios for beneficial strategies that would work on humans. A normal laboratory study can cost about hundreds of thousands of dollars, and another $10 million or more is needed on human clinical trial. The software can cut the expenses by predicting the right condition to try.

The software, Type 1 Diabetes PhysioLab® was funded by way of peer-reviewed funding program of the American Diabetes Association. By using the silico (computer analysis), type 1 diabetes research is fast and efficient. Pre-testing the theories in computer models ensures a more time-intensive and costly process of testing to concentrate on the most promising therapeutic approach that has a greater chance of success. The platform that is created by Entelos Inc., a life sciences company that specialized in predictive technologies has already shown success in predicting numerous data from published type 1 diabetes experiments. Dr. von Herrath's team used it to predict the result of a hypothetical experiment on nasal insulin dosing frequency using animal models. The forecast was done in the laboratory and was deemed true.
