12 Ways to Increase Metabolism Naturally


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Once you breeze through this list of 12 ways to increase metabolism naturally, you'll be amazed how easy you can incorporate some or all of these tips into your daily life and enjoy an increased metabolism naturally. You'll see you don't need drugs to increase your metabolism naturally.

Eat protein and complex carbohydrates: our bodies burn calories digesting proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Lift weights - when you build muscle - even lean muscle, you burn more calories.

High intensity interval training. This means doing short bursts of high-intensity activity. An example is sprinting for 30 to 60 seconds, then walking for a minute or two. You can incorporate high intensity interval training with all kinds of activities. All you need to do is do short, high-intensity periods of that activity interrupted with periods of rest or low-intensity activity.

Eat regularly and be sure to eat breakfast. Have protein such as eggs with breakfast.

Sleep consistently and get enough sleep.

Decrease your sugar intake.

Eat enough calories - don't starve yourself. When you don't have enough calories, your body responds with starvation mode which slows metabolism.

Take advantage of activity - park further away from the door, take stairs, walk to the store, etc. Active people have a higher metabolism.

Stay hydrated. Dehydration triggers the body to store energy which is slowing metabolism.

Eat fiber. Our bodies burn more calories digesting fiber.

Take sufficient B6, B12, folate, thiamin and niacin.





  • Ways to increase metabolism naturally:

    1. Prefer protein at every meal

    2. Drink more cold water

    3. Include green tea

    4. Have spicy food 

    5. Take good night sleep 

    6. Drink coffee


    See More:  Online Dietitian India​ 

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