Blog Entries
Platform Update 999 applied

In our latest update we have made a few small changes and fixed a few things.

New Videos Page, this page allows people to add, view and search videos added from Youtube. If you are using the old video search page please delete it, and click on add new page then select Videos Page.

New Group page, we have revamped the group page to make it a little easier to use, to update your current group page delete the one you have and then go to add pages and select groups. Don't worry you won't lose anything in the process.

In addition these pages are fully element based, thus allowing them to be customized with addition supporting elements.

A few fixes that we have applied:

  • Link Directory - We have corrected an issue with the link directory where if the page was set to allow anyone to add links they would get a access denied type of message when submitting there entry. The page should now follow the correct access rules. We have also addressed the problem with deleting link categories.
  • Members Photos and Video Pages - We have added options directly on the photo or video view to make it easier to delete, and edit the video or photo. This is also where the new featured option will be soon where you can pick photos and videos to be featured in a photos or videos box element.
  • Profiles - Profile shouts no longer will show in the main site activity. It was intended that those should be more private and not broadcasted to the world.
  • File and Uploading Speed Improvements - In some cases sites with alot of files would see slow downs when loading any file uploader, such as when uploading a photo to profiles or going to the file manager. This has been improved so those things should load up much quicker now.
  • Elements - When you leave the header text blank on an element it will no longer draw the top header row. Thus making a much cleaner look, so if you do not want to have a title header on an element you can leave it blank and it will now draw correctly.

A snap shot of what you will see in the next few weeks:

New and Improved Event System, Member Search Page, Site Settings page and member titles


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