Blog Entries
New Site Profile Settings Option and other changes

Ever wanted to automatically start your members our with a new friend? Well now you can! Next time you visit the Site Profile Settings page you will see a new option called Default Profile Friend. Type the name of the member you want to be the members first friend and click save. Now when a new member joins that member account will automatically be a friend of that person.

You will notice that we have added an auto complete function that searches your members as you type to make it much easier to set the default friend and default profile template user account. More information on the setting the default profile page element arrangement go to

Important If you had previously set a UID number for the default profile template you need to go back and use the new by name for the default profile template for your default profile to get copied to newly created member profiles.

Remember you can change your site and profile settings from the Settings link located in your website management area.

Comment Boxes have a new look

We have changed the styling of the comment boxes so that blend better with websites. The new look takes out the rounding and we kept it open for 3 slicing so that with CSS you can customize the comment boxes to have rounding if you chose.

Basic Content Editor the default

A while ago we released a new basic version of our content editor and the editor for Free websites. Now free and upgraded sites can use the Advanced editor and we have set the basic editor as the default content editor in admin. If you rather use the old editor (Advanced Editor) just click the advanced button and it should remember your setting.

Please make sure to report any bugs you see in support tickets to help us improve current features.


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