Blog Entries
New Members Search Page Released

In order to further polish our platform we have rolled out a new and improved member search page. This largest improvements include a new look, options you can customize, and more.

New Edit options button on the box containing the member. With the edit options you can customize the header, how many members to display per page, what you want people to see, and the format of the information returned.

Pick the information you want to display - Select from displaying age, custom status, location, register date and last time that person visited the website.

Change the result style - Pick from table, card, title, small and list formats or with custom CSS create your own. Each option changes the way the information is structured. For example selecting table will list the information in a Table format with a table header for each column.


To apply the new member page to your website, first delete your old member search page. Then go to your content builder, click on New Page then select Member List/Search page and follow the steps. That's it, once completed you will have all the features and detailed here.


Make sure you check out New Features Coming Soon post that tells about all the new goodies coming soon.


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