Blog Entries
New Basic View Mode for Content Editor

We have just completed a new simplified viewing mode for the Content editor. In this mode many of the more advanced or less used options are hidden allowing for a more streamlined editor. Designed with the new user in mind particularly; we have worked to make the most common tasks, such as dragging elements to change their layout, the primary focus of the editor. Element editing has been removed from the Content editor when in basic mode, and is strictly front end. Check out the changes and give your feedback. You can switch to Basic View by clicking the Basic View tab in your Content section.

Also in this update:

  • Fix for the Change Layout tool to make the saving the new layout beheive more consistantly.
  • Fix for Chrome and Safari title positioning in the Design editor.
  • Front end edit options now display on all elements even if they do not have header text.
  • Content editor nav buttons now display options in a cleaner format that is easier to use.

And many more bug fixes and styling tweaks.


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