Blog Entries
New Website Manager Bar to be applied to all sites Monday

As many of you know, we have a new website management system that has been in beta testing over the last month. On Monday morning the 16th of November we will apply the new site management to all sites. Those of you that have elected to test it and anyone that has created a new website in the last 30 days will not notice any difference, since you have already been using the new management system. We still welcome you to apply the new management bar to your website early.

The new "Website Management Bar" is a replacement to the old backend administration system that has been a part of our platform for so long. Our goal is and always will be to provide you with the best social website creator that offers very robust features and functionality for all levels of users. The goal behind the new management bar was to make customizing your website easier, faster and more intuitive and based on the feedback we have received I think we have achieved this.

Some key improvements over the old way of administrating and customizing your website.

  • Full front end management menu bar, More intuitive menu structure making it easier update, maintain and getting help with your website.
  • Completely New Content Builder, with real on page drag and drop editing, element undocking and more!
  • Completely New Design Editor that features new options, easier to understand controls, dragable tool boxes, and much more!
  • New administrator announcements area to keep you informed on new updates, tips, and other news happening throughout the network.


On Monday morning we will put out another announcement that will have a full features list of the website management bar along with other important information. Remember this is still a new feature and will be under going continual development and improvement. We listen to you, give us your feedback and report problems for the good of all!

Join us for our Website Management Bar Webinar this Monday at 5pm EDT for a tutorial and Q&A about the new management bar.

To register go to

Webinars are free and allow you to see full video and hear audio. In addition we will be taking questions from people about the features, how to and tips while using audio and video to help illustrate and respond to a question.


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