Blog Entries
New Owner/Support Community Launched!

The new owner/support community is the new place to go when seeking help, advise, or just to meet other people that create websites like yours. This change will allow us to provide a common website for everyone from new site owners to expert users/designers to exchange ideas, participate in discussions, access the knowledge base and so on.

This change will phase out the current help forums that were part of your websites administration area, as well as allow us to make better use of the site administration welcome area for new help and resources to assist you in growing your website/communities.

The reasons for this change is many;

  • We wanted to create a common community space for website creators to meet each other, get tips and access information about taking advantage of allot of the really advanced things you can do with your site powered by the Spruz Platform.
  • By implementing an active community space of our own (A Company Social Website) allows our development team to work with the social features that we develop on a regular basis for you to use and to see first hand ways we can improve functionality, features, and show you different ways to use these features.
  • The forums in the welcome area lacked features that allowed us to effectively moderate or even assign moderators to help us out. We are a very small team working night and day to not only support you, but develop the greatest website platform with social features on the net. Thus we are always looking for ways to free up our support time so we can spend our time planning and developing for you.
  • The new community allows us to directly link new users to information quicker and more effectively.
  • On the new community site we want to take advantage of our new member profile features so everyone can build new friendships that share interests about building and working on their own websites.
  • The new owner/support community is built from our Developer Website and never really seemed to get the activity we wanted because of the welcome page forum area. Thus we felt while the welcome area forums were great, it took away from being able to explore development features.
  • With our own community we can now and we will be assigning special moderator and admin status to select people in our community that want to help out, have great common sense when dealing with problems, etc.

You will notice that we have added and updated links on your site administration welcome page to quickly link you to the discussions on the new website and show you information on how many new posts since you last visited the support website. In addition the knowledge base information now directly links to the new community website. We will be adding more features to the welcome page that directly tie into the new support community website.

As for the old forums on the site administration welcome area, they will be completely phased out in a few days. We will have them archived for our own personal reference. So do not worry you old posts still have value to us.

When joining make sure you do not register a new account, because you already have one. Just login with your current account and click the Join button to become part of the network.

We hope our new community website we be a very friendly and welcoming space for new and old users alike. I look forward to seeing you next on


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