Blog Entries
Member Subscriptions and Profile Styling Released

One of the many benefits our users have with the Spruz platform is the frequency we roll out new updates and improvements.

We have applied an update today to all sites that bring back member controlled styling to member profiles. With the new styling feature members can set background color and images and change their profile box color and background. This combined with Style Accents really gives you a great deal of control over how your members design their profiles.

To access the profile styling option first make sure you do a manual refresh of the page because we have updated a number of client side files in this release. Next go to your profile page and click the + icon, in the drop down list you will see Add/Edit Style. Clicking on that will load the editor options for customization. One really cool feature about the new style controls, you can see your changes in real time!

We have been working on new ways for you to make money from your website. As part of this effort we have rolled out a new member subscription system. This allows you to charge a small monthly fee that is paid directly to you via PayPal for higher levels of site access for your subscriber. The system is fully automated so when you get a payment in via PayPal the users subscription due date will be adjusted properly.

You can access the new member subscription configuration by going to the Green Community tab in your site administration/manage area and click on subscriptions.

Last but not least we have fixed a few user reported bugs and problems.

As with any update that has new features there are bound to be problems and issues. Please report any issue you find directly to us through support ticket. We hope you enjoy these new improvements.


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