Blog Entries
User Suggestions Implemented


We have just released an update based on a couple suggestion posts and interaction in the Suggestion forum.
Tainted_Zeal suggested that we change the Preview Site button at the top of the admin area to a Back to Site button that would open in the same window. Due to additional feedback and ratings, and also due to very little in development time to make the change, we were able to get this pushed out and working well.
Randya suggested that we change allow pages that users do not have access to, to still show the navigation button. This had a lot of positive feedback from the communality in the form of ratings and replies. We developed out a new option now when you go to edit your page options. Just under the Viewing Access Level there is an option to Always Show the link. If you set this option to Yes, the link will show up to everyone, but if they do not have access when they get to the page it will tell them that they do not have the access to view it. If you set it to No, the navigation link will not display to users that do not have the access to visit the page.
Thank you for your great suggestions and participation in helping make this platform better.



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