Blog Entries
Group Member Update and Fixes Released!

All websites have been updated on the Spruz Platform with the new Group system that is part of the new Member Profiling system update released last week.

Member groups allow you and/or your site members to create groups on any topic they desire. Here is a brief list of features that the group system includes;

  • Set the permission level required on the group members element to control what member access level is required to create a new group.
  • Group Deletion Options for the site owner.
  • Members can fully moderate the group they create as well as the site administrator.
  • Full group profile page that is designed using the same technology for the member profile system. Thus group profiles can be highly customizable with different elements, and widgets. Groups also have a personalized group image.
  • Groups have several integrated elements that can been added to the group profile.
    • We have a few elements that carry over well from profiles that include; Shout box, Custom Text Box, Member Element.
    • New Topics element that creates a mini-forum with full permission control over who can create topics and who can reply to them.
  • Member assigned group administrators. Group Admins can fully moderate the group, including the ability to delete topics, approve members and so on.
  • Groups can be created as private or public and can decide to manually approve members or allow anyone to join.
  • There are many other great features in this update that you can explore!

To enable groups on your website, go to your Content Builder, Click new page. From the page list select Member Groups.

Like anything new, there maybe bugs, problems, or issues. Please report them using the support ticket system so we can make sure they get addressed quickly.

We will be continuing to add to the Member System and Groups on an ongoing basis, based on suggestion volume and features we are planning to add over the coming months.

In addition to the group system release there are a number of issues that have been reported by our users that we have corrected in this update.

  1. Profiles display a not configured message. This was caused when the site profile settings had been changed to remove both core elements that are created when a profile is generated (Shoutbox or Friends Box). This has been fixed to show the profile box and not relay to the page not configured message.
  2. Sometimes when images are uploaded they do not take or display a broken image. We have located this as an issue with our Image Processor that handles the re-optimization of images uploaded by users. This should be corrected.
  3. Profiles where the Admin or the User had never visited would show a profile not configured message. To make the new profile system we use a new database structure and when the user or admin visits a profile for the first time since the update our backend system transfers profile information and content over, thus if your members had friends on their list and those friends have not been back, then their profile would not be configured. This has been adjusted so that anyone visiting a profile will regenerate their profile content. Thus giving everyone full profiles that have elements in place as they are visited by members.
  4. To make new inbox messages more apparent, we have made two changes. We made the welcome line message count bold, also we only show the count if you have new messages. This should make new messages much more obvious at a glance while not being annoyingly persistent.
  5. We have made a number of other smaller adjustments and fixes. If you have problems, please report them.

We hope everyone enjoys the new grouping and member system. As time moves along you will see many more improvements added to the member system as a whole. We want you to be successful, lets grow together.


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