Blog Entries
Member System Fixes

Well, day one has past of our new member profile system (Phase 1 update) and just like we had anticipated there were a few issues. First I want to thank everyone for your patience with us as we worked through issues with this major advancement on the member profile system. We have worked long and hard to address problems and issues people reported using the support tickets. I would like to list the major issues we have seen, and address some of the problems.

Friends not fully copied over

The most major issue of the day is not all friends are being copied over when a user visits their new profile. The friends will reconnect friends on a profile where the member is still a member on your website. But for some users friends were not copied over. We have added a new link to the friends page on your members profile that says "Missing Members? Click here to check" If they do have missing members have them click that link and that should fix the problem. We will be removing that link in a few days to give people time to get friends not transfered over. This issue has been corrected for members that have not visited their profile since the update and they should not have issues with this.

Member Blogs are Missing

In the new member update the old member blogging is gone and replaced with tie ins to your website blog. If you want users to post blogs then set the element for the blogging on your blog page to allow members level 1 to post. If you want to disable member blogging go to your new site profile settings page and uncheck the box for member blogs.

We have created a URL so your members can go and view their old blogs to copy information from them.

Example URL:

URL Format: http://[YOURDOMAIN]/page/member_blogs/mguid/[MEMBERUID]/rss.xml

You would replace the Yourdomain with your domain name or you can access it with ours. The MEMBERUID is the UID number that of the member. The UID number can be found on your site members page under your green community tab in the administration area.

Member About Boxes

This information was replaced with profile information you can customize from your profile settings page. Thus no information could be copied over. You can customize your questions then have your users fill out the details. The member about box should tell your users what to do.

Member Photo Gallery

We have corrected a few formatting issues here and expanded the max file size to 5MB for uploading. In addition on some themes the add images button on the photo confirmation page was blocked by some of our overlays making it unclick able. All of this should be corrected now.

 We have also corrected an issue with Internet Explorer 7 and earlier that caused the Add Photo option not to work in the Photos page of the profiles.

I can not drag and drop, the text editor boxes are not different or do not work, etc

We can not say this enough. Most browsers cache what's known as JS files that are downloaded from our server when you visit your webpage. The JS files store a large amount of the client side coding for things like drag and drop, text editors, and so on to work, when we update these features those files on your computer need to be updated as well. When a file is cached you need to ether manually refresh your home page by holding CTRL and pressing your F5 Key or Delete your internet temporary files and history. New visitors to your site or visitors that may not have logged in recently will not notice an issue because their browser will download these files again to update them.

We have had alot of great suggestions on what your needs are, if enough people agree with you then we will more then likely add your suggestion sooner rather then later. Please use the suggestion box to post ideas and such on what you would like to see soon. We have a number of things we are still adding to the member profile system as a whole in time, but the suggestions also help us determine if we should push something off or not .

Remember if you see something that does not look right, read over our news first then open a support ticket to tell us about it. Support tickets are access from your site administration area in the top right corner from the Support Link.

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