Blog Entries
Member System Update - Stage 1

The time has finally come; after months of planning, development, testing and more testing; we have released the first stage of the highly anticipated member update. We actually made it before the start of summer as we said we would!

Before we get into the details let's go over a few very important things. First off, as with any update and especially with an update this large, there will be bugs. Please ONLY post bug reports/problems in a Support Ticket that is directly accessible from your website. Do not post about bugs or problems in the comments or forums. Next, we are happy to get your feedback and suggestions (in the suggestion forum); however before posting any suggestions fully explore the new profile and member features on your site and read through our news posts about it. That way you are less likely to suggest something that is already available in the update. We will be closely monitoring comments, forums and support tickets; your help by posting things in the appropriate areas is greatly appreciated.

For an extensive list of features that are in this update please visit this news post by clicking here.

We want you to be aware of some important things:

Your browser my retain some files still from the old system. To make sure that you are seeing everything as you should, go to your main page of your site, hold down your CTRL key on your keyboard, and press the F5 key. Pass this on to your site members too, so that they can fully see and use the new updates.

We have added a lot of site administration options for the profiles, allowing you to really customize how they are used on your site. To edit your Profile Settings, first click on the Community tab of your site administration, then click the Profile Settings button in the member toolbar. I you have questions about what a field does, hover over the blue info icon next to it.

With an update this large and to give you features that blow the old ones out of the water, some old content is unable to be converted over into the new system.

Friends - You may not have as many friends as before this is because your friends list only shows friends that are on your website and not others, we will be adding options in the future based on feedback to allow for all friends from all websites to be viewed on member profiles.

Gallery Images - Hugh overhaul on pics, how they are stored, etc. as a result no profile gallery images could be carried over. But I am sure you will enjoy the impressive new photo features with multi image uploading and more.

Style Me Options - The Style me customization has been completely replaced with a new method of style control that allows you to add choose what styles (Accents) are available to your members when editing their elements. Full details on using this feature will be posted shortly.

We want to thank those of you that helped us test this update and give a special thanks to Randy for the incredible amount of time he spent working with us on testing the member update over the last 4 days.

As we mentioned in the last post, the second phase of the update should be out in 7 to 10 days. We have many great additions still in store for you in that update as well. So stay tuned!

This update will be a major change for some, thus we ask you to properly evaluate the member system before posting your feedback on it. Remember to post your issues, questions and concerns to us via support ticket so we can individually address your problems. If we delete your post, and you want to know why please enter a support ticket. We will delete posts that are support related or that are quick to judgment on this update.


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