Blog Entries
Member System Update (Status Report)

We are within a couple of weeks of releasing our complete rewrite of our member profile system. This update has been running a little long for us due to the size and complexity of this update, there are also issues with handling of current member profiles and moving as much as possible over to the new profile/member system.

Here is a sample list of features that will be part of the new member system.

  • Each website member profile page will be unique to the given website.
  • Full admin moderation over profile comments, blogs, photos, etc.
  • Widget Box Gallery integration
  • Advanced website profile admin settings for using your own custom naming scheme for member friends, setting the default profile pic, custom member status settings, using your own Widget Box gallery account and much more!
  • Member or Admin Created Groups with full group profiles just like new member profiles!
  • Member Activity Feed and status updates
  • Customizable profile default elements and layout (Upgrade Only Feature).
  • Improvements to member privacy settings
  • Addition of setting the default viewing level for all profiles to make profiles viewing for members only on up. By default all profiles are public unless set other wise by the member. (Upgrade only Feature)

As part of this we have been updating other systems that tie into this update with some improvements as well.

New improvement added recently!

We have released an update to the deleting of site members. Now when a member is deleted it should delete all posts, content, etc that was added by that member to your website. For upgraded websites you can now ban them from joining again. This way once a member is deleted they will not be able to re-join the website easily. Plus, once the full member update is released when you delete a member it will also remove their profile, remove them from people that have added them as a friend and all files they have uploaded to their profile on your website.

I hope everyone is looking forward to this update as much as we are. This will be the biggest single release and change to the platform in almost 1 year.


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