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The Spruz Story

Spruz allows anyone to create a social website about anything! Spruz launched in early 2007 and since then over 200,000 people have created socially enabled websites on the Spruz platform. The primary goal at Spruz, is and has always been to provide a free, highly customizable, powerful, yet easy to use hosted social website solution where anyone can come to create a socially enabled website. This is done by building an interconnected website platform where anyone can create, build, and customize a website with deep social interaction.

Spruz was founded, funded and programmed by it's founders Jay Roberts (President, CEO) and David Furman (Vice President, CTO). To really move forward and to keep the founders vision of what will be, the platform development was and has always been handled in house, you won't find any outsourcing here. Spruz is really made up of founder blood, sweat and tears as they say.

The story of Spruz really begins all the way back in 2002 with the launch of a website creation portal with social features for Gamers (Clans & Guilds). When Clan Site Manager (CSM) was created, it's goal was to make it easier for gamers to build a website in order to help them form stronger groups, and as a result this would help shore up the gaming community as a whole for Mr. Roberts game related hosting company Art of War (AOWC). At the time it was a challenge for gaming groups to stay together, because there was not an easy and low cost way (Free) for gamers to build a site that offered good communication features. AOWC depended on gaming groups to use it's services. In the beginning of AOWC most gaming groups would fall apart within a few months.

AOWC was launched in 2001 to provide high performance multiplayer gaming to private groups of gamers (Clans) that played first person shooters. The plan emerged, shortly after the launch of AOWC to give gamers an on demand free website creation process allowing them to build a website that could help them strengthen their group, recruit members, and communicate. Long and short CSM helped gamers meet and attract other gamers that shared their same interests. Over time other types of gamers began creating websites on the CSM platform.

From 2004-2006 very little focus was placed on the CSM platform as other projects and obligations got in the way. In the spring of 2006 Jay Roberts partnered up with David Furman a very talented person and web designer by trade. At the time David was an employee of Art of War Central. In June of 2006, Jay made the decision to sell the gaming company in order to refocus on developing the website creation platform into a system for anyone to create socially enabled websites outside of the gaming market. Jay and David shared a vision of providing social solutions to people that wanted personal self branded social communities/websites. The goal of redeveloping the CSM platform into what is the Spruz Platform Technology was born in the Spring of 2006 and followed with the official launch of Spruz in March of 2007. Since then it has been a long road for the Jay and David, but well worth it as they have seen hundreds of thousands of users, create social websites on the Spruz Platform. Every day the team is working hard to bring features and improvements for new and old users alike.

One of the biggest benefit to users of a centralized platform like Spruz is the ability for the development team to roll out new features and improvements on demand without users having to worry about applying updates or websites on the platform being out of sync. This makes for an infinitely advancing website platform while still giving users an unmatched level of customization control to make truly unique social websites.

For the Spruz Team and its users, the Spruz platform is a growing, living machine, without the limits and bounds that users with stand alone websites often experience. Between the platform and the users that experience it, the future is a bright one.


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