Blog Entries
Content Builder Update

We have released an update to the content builder that fixes a few issues and adds an improvement.

Now you can add a Blank html page that has a Page Editor so you can create and customize your own page layout. This page acts as a traditional page that is static and fully editable, but you can make it more dynamic by adding java scripting and so on. This page still works within your whole website so it will carry over styling nnavigation, etc.

To add the HTML based page click on Add New Page then click on Blank page.

To summarize you now have 2 different types of pages you can add. A new blank HTML page that has a full html page editor and Dynamic Page that allows you to build a page using page elements and widgets.

Everyday we are working hard on new features and improvements to enhance our service offerings to you. One last thing to note is the full page editor was added in part thanks our new suggestion box that is located on your website administration welcome page.

Please give us your feedback on this new update or if you have questions.


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