Blog Entries
New Member Element Released!
We have released a brand new element that gives a taste of what we have in store for the member system update we are hard at work on. You can find the new element in the Member Elements category of your element library and it is called Member Box.  It is a brand new styling structure for displaying members on your site. It gives a very flexible tile layout with additional options and information when any member image is hovered over. You can also choose from several options of criteria for what members to display; from recent visitors to upcoming birthdays.

The way that members are displayed in this new Member Box is planned to be carried over to other parts of the site for displaying members as well. This will include the new updated profile pages and system which should be out before summer. Try out the new Member Box element and provide us with your feedback.

The new User Pics used in the Member Box are very flexible with their styling, an example of that that you can easily do on your site is shown here with a custom modifier you can add to your site to change the size of the User Pics.

PS - We are still working on adding more options to the member box, give us your suggestions and we will try to include it in the options.

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