Blog Entries
Theme Library Updates (Theme Sharing)

We have finished with a series of updates revolving around theme packaging and sharing. Including changes to our theme library. You will notice the choose theme option has been renamed to theme library on your design tab of your website administration area.

The theme library allows you to apply free and pay themes to your site after it is created, the theme library also showcases themes created by our users.

Our latest theme addition by Gmath creator of submitted a theme design called Sky Blue, it is a fully customizable theme with a nice balance of color and graphics.

Some Features of our Theme Library include;

  • Fully tag supported searching and a new view all themes option that will return all themes in the library.
  • Ability for our users to create themes and share themes over the theme library for free or charge a fee on high quality themes.
  • New preview theme option. This allows you to see how a theme will look on your website before you apply it. Click on a theme picture to display the options for that selected theme.
  • Newest Themes column to display themes just added by our users.
  • Options for our users that design themes to create them fully custom or easy to customize with our basic editor. Thus allowing our user base to have a more robust theme selection.
  • You can click on the name of the designer of a theme to see all themes from the same user.
  • Installed themes counter, that started counting on March 22nd of 2009 that shows the number of websites that have installed that theme.

Coming Soon;

  • Updating the views is still under construction but will be fully enabled once we have more users adding themes and have a selection of advanced themes and pay themes.
  • Installed theme tab will show all themes you have installed and give you an option to see more information on them.

Anyone can create and submit themes to our theme library by clicking on the theme sharing tab on your design editor. More information on how to submit themes can be found by clicking on Click here for more information under your shared themes. From the theme sharing tab you can also package your themes for download or import packages from other users.


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