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1000s of Widgets Added!

Spruz has partnered with Widgetbox to provide you with easy access to a library of 1000's of 3rd party widgets. Widgetbox is the leading self-service web widget platform. Web widgets are mini, portable-applications that can be added to any web page and serve two important goals: Add Dynamic Content to Your Site, Reach New Users Across the Web

You will find a new option on the content builder of your websites administration area for adding widgets, widgets are a little different then elements, our elements are building components for site structure and widget allow you to add new 3rd party content to your website.

After clicking add widget a widget gallery will load where you can select from a library of 1000's of widgets that are addible to your website with just one click. Once your widget is added to your page you can hover over the widget box and move it to the desired position on the page, or manage it.

Like anything new, there maybe problems, issues or bugs. Please give us your feedback, and suggestions. Report bugs and problems in a support ticket.

We hope you all enjoy this feature as it really opens up further variety for your website powered by the Spruz Platform.


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