Blog Entries
Shopping Cart Update Released

We have released an update that focused on the Shopping cart system. The old shopping cart has replaced by a fully element based shopping system. Thus allowing a greater level of control and customization.

You can now  customize the templates for the inventory list view and for the detail view by access the template in your theme/system_templates folder to format your item lists anyway you want.

Plus we have added a number of other improvements, this update allowed us to get to a point with the shopping that allows us to continue to expand that system.

All sites can now also try out the shopping cart first before upgrading. This was a big limitation for us before because we could not give trials of the shopping features.

In order to begin using the new shopping cart you will need to click New Page and then select shopping cart from the list.

If you have inventory you setup with our old shopping cart you will need to revisit the old shopping cart management page in your admin and read the notice that will give you a link to transfer your inventory into the new shopping cart system.

Also included with the update are some small odd and end improvements/fixes, and allot of prep work for us to add some really cool improvements and new features coming real soon.


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