Blog Entries
Uploader - Now Flash 10 Compatible

We as well as many modern web applications use Flash with their file uploading to add much needed functionality to the user expirence. Such as multiple file support and large file uploads.  With the release of Flash 10 pretty much every one of these types of uploaders were broken due to what we now know was a core change in Flash.  Any of you that have upgraded your flash plugin in the last week probably has noticed the uploader in the file manager and gallery stop working or were limited.

So, this past week we have put off a lot of the new funtionality and updates to focus on bringing an updated Flash 10 friendly version of the uploader.  We have just completed this and have released an update with the new uploader. Thank you for your patience as we worked to develop this fix, whenever something like this comes up we work hard to bring a solution to you as soon as possible.


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