Blog Entries
New Spruz 2.02 Update Released

We want to thank those of you that have provided helpful feedback and inspiration after the 2.0 update. We have finished adding a number of features additions to the page builder that were left out of the 2.0 update and we corrected a number of bugs and problems that were reported.

Some of the new improvements to the page builder include;

·         You can now easily change the layout of the page. This also adds a layout with a non global right hand side. The new page layouts allow you to select different position arrangements to place your element.

·         We changed the tabbing, to break different content areas into easy to understand sections

·         We have moved the managing your site intro, start page and word filter from the site properties to the page builder to allow for easy access.

·         Now you can create and upload your own Favicon to your Spruz powered website!! Member requested feature!

·         Turning off styling, and collapsing elements will stay persistent now. Thus keeping its setting as you move through your site.

·         We added more text to let people know that only element pages can be managed and adjusted on the page builder. Other systems must be managed from the main site, not administration. Clicking on a link will take you were you are suppose to manage that system.

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