Blog Entries
A week of great change

What a week for everyone on the Spruz platform. We have rolled out a lot of changes this week with the forums and other additions. Again I want to thank everyone for helping us by reporting problems and issues you have seen with our latest update 1.99.

Along with what has already been mentioned in our previous posts I want to point out a few cool additions and fixes that have not been mentioned.

  • On the forums
    • Added new quick reply box. There will be a forum option to turn this off
    • Added the ability to copy and paste YouTube embed codes into the forum posts, you can even resize it. We will have an option to turn this off.
    • Added setting that allows you to decided if members are required to log in, in order to view the whole forums or just a single forum.
    • Fixed an issue with moving topics, topics are now moveable.
    • Added a new forum element that will display forum activity.
    • Improved the look of the main forum view based on the feedback we received. Thanks for that!
  • Other Areas
    • Pay customers can now export member data to excel, this includes names, emails, etc. This is great for dumping into a email program to send out newsletters.
    • Tons of fixes and performance improvements.
  • Coming by the end of next week!
    • More options for the forums to give even more control and freedom of choice.
    • New PayPal supported shopping cart with full category support for pay customers.
    • Friendlier Error messages when the occasional error pops up that has expanded functionally to expand on the error that occurs to a user so that we can be more effective with troubleshooting issues within the platform.
I am sure I am missing a few things but that covers most of it.
Again to go over some of the common questions with the new Forums:

"Where are my posts?" All forum post data is there, forum post counts update when someone posts and topic or reply. Your counts will return based on forum activity. If you want to hurry the process make a new post in each forum to have your counts update.

"My forums look centered" This is a rare issue but if it occurs, click on the link forum options then click on reset forum theme/css link in the forum security block.


Remember forum and comment rules are enforce. To get a refresher you can go to

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