Blog Entries
Update for the Future

Today we released an update that we have been working on for the last week.  Many structural changes were made to the core of the site systems and releasing it to the public was the only way to get some of harder tests out of the way and track down some bugs.  All of the issues related to the update have been corrected or are close to being fixed at this time.

Most of the updates made in this release are un-noticeable at this time.  The changes made were in the core foundation of how the web pages on Spruz sites display and are accessed.  We are always working on more features and flexibility for the system and today’s changes lay the groundwork for the next wave of features and options we will be making available; so this was a necessary step in our future development.

We thank you all for helping us out today by reporting bugs and sticking with us.  The rewards will be many.

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