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How do I get my site to show in search engines?

This is a very common question; and most people do not understand how search engines work. Think about this article as search 101 for helping you understand how top search engines like Google, Yahoo, Live, and MSN work. We want to help you grow yourself by helping you with your site show up first when people search for your site in the top search engines.

 All search engines list sites by 3 basic factors; Times Indexed (Search Spiders find your pages via links and index your pages into the search database), Page relevance (Your content in relation to the search terms used), and site content (Keyword density, Meta Tags, Content Updates, Etc).

When you create a new website it can take months before search engines index your site for the first time. Depending on who hosts and created your website will greatly determine, if you are ever listed in search engines. SEO or Search Engine Optimization helps grab search engine attention and give your pages more relevance. Fortunately for you Spruz is a team of SEO techies that has already done half the work for you to get your Spruz powered website in search engines faster. We have proprietary technology that helps with SEO to help your site to get listed better and faster. However the rest is up to you, Spruz does have optional SEO packages that do all the work for you. Call us toll free at 877-MYSPRUZ

The big question; Do you want to have a top listed site on search engines?

I am sure you answered yes. Everyone does and it is an area few people know how to do. So I will start out on what you should not do first and then go from there;

The important don’ts about building search traffic;

  1. Do not change your domain name often;
    1. Google, Yahoo, and all other engines store your index by your site domain name. Pick an name and stick with it.
    2. Find a hosting company and stay with it. Search indexing takes time and the more times your site is indexed the higher your rank will be.
    3. Creating a site, and building it, to something great takes a long period of time and dedication. The longer your site is up and is maintained with fresh content the better your ranking becomes over time.
  2. Do not muck up your site with keywords that are not related to what your site is about;
    1. Many people use Keywords that are terms not directly related to your site content.
    2. Find your target Keywords; use a list of no more than 10-12 words or phrases and focus on them. Pick words that are a close match to what your site is about.
    3. Do not use general keywords or phrases. If your site is about classic cars do not use cars or autos as your keywords. It is doubtful that based on keyword competition you would make it event close to the top 100 for those terms. Use Classic Cars, Vintage Cars, Cars as a Hobby. A recent study indicated the average number of words used for a search was 6. The more words a user uses to search, that match your keywords the higher your search rank.
    4. Set your site keywords and stick with them. Remember indexing does not happen overnight.
  3. If possible stay away for all image or flash based content and sites;
    1. Sites that are completely flash sites are not indexed well with search engines. While they look nice, the loss in search related traffic is not worth it.
    2. Remember search engines need your site content to find out what you are about. Search engines cannot read images or flash. They can only read text and html tags, the more text you have on your site and subpages the better.
    3. If you place images in your content use the alt tag; you can learn more about this by searching alt tags in Google. An alt tag tells search engines what the image is about, in addition if that ima

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