Blog Entries
Weekend Updates and improvements coming soon.

Some new updates and changes to tell you about that has happened over the last few days. Most of our latest changes have been directly related to improving data elements that are addable to your website.


New Member Videos Element - This element will display recently added videos to member profiles or you can chose to display videos with the views. You can select a range of videos to display at one time.

New Member Photos Element - Now you can show recently uploaded photos and photos with the most recent comments. The Members Photos element replaced current member blogs element because with the new member profile system we released, member blogging is now done on the main website. Thus the member blog element was a dead element that we needed to replace. If you had this element still on your website you will find it is now replaced with a members photo element.

Member Box Element Improvement - The member box element that allows you to display members based on different types of activity has got a new activity selection to show top bloggers. This selection will list your most active members that use the blog along with their post counts.

More Member Activity Logged - We are now logging when someone adds a new profile photo and when someone makes a change to their profile page. Profile update activity is still new and will be expanded or modified base on our user feedback.

Coming Soon...

Event/Calendar System overhaul (Slated for release end of next month);

  • An improved user-friendly structure for finding, viewing and adding events
  • Ability to charge a fee for someone to register for an event that will be paid directly to your PayPal account
  • Better RSVP options where a member can select that they will be attending, not attending or might attend.
  • When posting an event their will be an option to set if an event is personal or public.
  • An area that lists events you or your members have RSVP for.

Wiki/Content System (Slated for release end of next month); (Replacement to the current knowledge base system)

  • Completely page based system where you can allow your members to add pages and edit pages.
  • Ability to roll back or approve page changes
  • Unlimited page depth, meaning new pages can be created within other pages and so on.
  • Full tag support, content searching and new elements to show top authors, editors, and so on.

Member Points System (Slated for release around October 1st)

  • Customizable points for rewarding member site activity
  • An option to name points whatever you would like. Thus points could be EXP, or whatever
  • Points will be based on activity recorded by the member activity site features. Thus anything that would normally appear in the member activity feed could have a point value attached to it.
  • Points position system so that members can see how they rank against other members on your website.

In addition to the main features mentioned for the above platform improvements/additions there will be number of other features of the above systems that will be announced at a later date. So stay tuned!

Over the next several weeks you will also see added functionality to some of our other areas as we work to bring you the best in over all functionality and features in one platform. Please follow us at for up to the minute announcements on smaller but big changes over the next several weeks.

One of these small but big changes, includes the option to change the format of the information displayed in the Member Box element. How would you like to decide how to format the member picture? Chose from list, tile, and full detail format types on the Members Box Element!

Announcements on smaller changes will be done every week to 2 weeks to summarize updates that have taken place since the last announcement, but for the latest updates make sure to follow us on Twitter!


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