Blog Entries
Full Ning Data Importing is finally here!
Category: Ning Transition

As the saying goes "Better Late than never", we are happy to report our Ning Data Importer is finally online! To import your Ning data you will go to, login with your email address and password, and when prompted join the website. Our import website allows us to centralize information about the import process and will be used to import data from Social Go and in the very near future.

Once you are logged in you can click on the Ning Import link to start your data import process. Before starting make sure you have all your information exported from your Ning website.

The process of developing an import for the Ning data was a huge challenge due to continuous issues we discovered with the Ning Data files, but we are happy our development team was able to work around most issues.

At this time we also wanted to update you on the status of other features in development and update their timelines.

  • Wiki - This is the replacement to the current Knowledge base feature. As many of you know it has been a long time coming and one of those items that just had to be pushed back a few times. The Wiki is a complex feature that should have a range of uses. Estimated release date 1-3 weeks
  • SPL (Spruz Platform Language)  and API (Application Programming Interface) release - Opening up the platform for 3rd party developers has always been in our plan, and I am happy to report that we are closer then ever with the full release of our SPI documentation, new API interface and App Library. Estimated Release date for full SPI Documentation 4-5 weeks and our API 6-9 weeks.
  • Content Settings - Content settings is a new section that will be added to the Site Settings area to give you more detailed control over your website features. Content settings will allow you to control comment box features, ability to customize the sharing and rating features on Videos, Photos Etc., member file space limit settings, and more. Estimated release date 2-5 weeks.
  • Content Templates - This a progression update that is in progress now. Content templates in time will allow you to control all system text within your website. This system can also be used to change the language of system text. Part of this update also includes a new setting that is soon to be added to your site settings that will allow you to control the character set your website uses to display content.

We want to remind everyone that if you encounter issues with the import tools please report the issue in the forums of our data import site.



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