Blog Entries
New Member Activity Element Added

We have just added a new element. It is a member activity that shows a list of recent activity on your site by the member. This will show when new people register, comment, and so on.

To add this new element go to your content builder, click add element, select member elements and click on Member Activity.

The new element ties into your sites activity log, we are adding new areas that the activity log monitors so that you can display a centralized list of all your site activity as it happens.

We hope you enjoy this new element. Once you try it out, feel free to share your feedback and suggestions.

As a foot note, it will only start showing activity from today onward as we had to make some database changes to deploy this feature.

Upgrade Price Changes June 1st.

On June 1st we will be changing our optional upgrade plan pricing. We will be increasing the rate for all packages and switching to monthly billing with optional yearly prepays with that give a discount. Currently all plans require yearly prepay.

For our current customers, your plan pricing will not increase as long as you stay with on your current service plan. If your account is canceled then reactivation will be based on current pricing at that time.

The changes to our upgrade plans will be:

Lite Plan: Currently our Lite plan is $5/mo paid yearly that comes out to $60/yr. The new price for the Lite plan will move to $9.95 per month and can be paid monthly with discounts for yearly prepays.

Pro Plan: Currently our Pro plan is $10/mo paid yearly for a total of $120/yr. The new price for our Pro plan will be $24.95 per month and can be paid monthly with discounts for yearly prepays.

As part of these new changes we have a new member subscription module that will be released around the same time the new member profile system is published that will allow you to charge your members for access to your website. When people subscribe the system auto sets their site access level, in addition you directly take all payments for your member subscriptions.

If you are using our free service and you are planning on upgrading, then upgrade before June 1st 2009 to take advantage of our current low rates. If you only plan to use our free service then this does not apply to you.

Go to our plan page to view our current structure or to upgrade click here.

As an update on the new & improved member profile system, we are still working hard on this update and hope to have it released in the next few weeks.

Suggestion Box Requests Filled.

The suggestions that have been posted in the new suggestion box forum has really helped us understand your requests and increased the number of people contributing ideas and endorsing other peoples ideas. The suggestion box forum was but one of many new features released to a admin welcome page revamp that was released to your website administration welcome page a few days ago.

 As a result of the new feedback and going through the old idea forum we have rolled out 2 really cool updates today.

New HTML Page Editor! On the Content Builder we have replaced the New Blank Page option when adding a New Page, with a more robust HTML page editor that allows you to build a static HTML page much easier. Features of the full page editor include; building tables, adding images, viewing the html source, and over all full control over a custom page. You can still add dynamic element based pages with the New Dynamic Page option when clicking on the New Page button.

So try it out by going to the Blue Content tab in your site administration and click on New Page.

New Offline Feature! We have also responded to a number of requests for an Offline feature that can be enabled so that you may make changes to your site without anyone seeing what you are doing. You can now set your site to go into offline mode from the site properties page. With the offline feature you can set the time you want the site to be offline for, then at the end of that time period the site will automatically return to normal service.

As a community we can grow together with the new collaboration that can be done through your site administration welcome page. While it is great to point out ideas, suggestions and such. Please make sure to endorse other user ideas that are posted in the site admin forums. Even if it is just to say I like it! or that idea needs work!

Content Builder Update

We have released an update to the content builder that fixes a few issues and adds an improvement.

Now you can add a Blank html page that has a Page Editor so you can create and customize your own page layout. This page acts as a traditional page that is static and fully editable, but you can make it more dynamic by adding java scripting and so on. This page still works within your whole website so it will carry over styling nnavigation, etc.

To add the HTML based page click on Add New Page then click on Blank page.

To summarize you now have 2 different types of pages you can add. A new blank HTML page that has a full html page editor and Dynamic Page that allows you to build a page using page elements and widgets.

Everyday we are working hard on new features and improvements to enhance our service offerings to you. One last thing to note is the full page editor was added in part thanks our new suggestion box that is located on your website administration welcome page.

Please give us your feedback on this new update or if you have questions.

Service Outage

We were down for a short while due to some hardware issues in our file server array.  Rest assured that all your file data was and is completely safe as we have multiple backups of the file information. Everything is all back online now and functioning normally!

During this outage we kept people informed through twitter @ stay informed by following us on twitter

We have identified some isolated issues with the mail server cluster that could affect certain e-mail accounts on the system. If you feel that you could be affected by this please open up a support ticket.


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