Blog Entries
Design Webinar this Saturday @ 5pm
We are holding a design webinar this Saturday at 5pm EDT.
To register for this webinar please go to
Webinars are full real time audio and video presenations you can attend to learn more about using your website.
Q&A Webinar this Wednesday!

We invite you to attend our Q&A Dev Chat webinar for Wednesday February 25th at 7pm EDT. This webinar will give you an opportunity to ask questions about using features, upcoming updates, or get responses to public suggestions.

If you are serious about your website, and learning more about taking full advantage of the power within our platform, then this webinar is a must for you to attend.

What is a webinar? A webinar is basically a chat room but with full Audio, and Video. Thus allowing us to demonstrate how-to, and present to you in real time. It is a really cool experience, and webinars are free to attend.
Reserve your Webinar seat for Wed. February 25th at 7PM EDT:
Reserve your Webinar seat for Sat. February 28th at 11AM EDT:
Shopping Cart Update Released

We have released an update that focused on the Shopping cart system. The old shopping cart has replaced by a fully element based shopping system. Thus allowing a greater level of control and customization.

You can now  customize the templates for the inventory list view and for the detail view by access the template in your theme/system_templates folder to format your item lists anyway you want.

Plus we have added a number of other improvements, this update allowed us to get to a point with the shopping that allows us to continue to expand that system.

All sites can now also try out the shopping cart first before upgrading. This was a big limitation for us before because we could not give trials of the shopping features.

In order to begin using the new shopping cart you will need to click New Page and then select shopping cart from the list.

If you have inventory you setup with our old shopping cart you will need to revisit the old shopping cart management page in your admin and read the notice that will give you a link to transfer your inventory into the new shopping cart system.

Also included with the update are some small odd and end improvements/fixes, and allot of prep work for us to add some really cool improvements and new features coming real soon.

New Element added and Site Updates coming soon

We have recently added a new element that allows you to easily embed Flash games onto your website. This element gives a wide selection of games once your visitor clicks on the games box. You can add the new element we are testing by going to add element on your content editor, go to the Gaming category and select games from the list.

We have been working hard on a number of new updates coming soon. We have been revisiting the shopping cart to rebuild that out for our premium customers, the shopping cart will be released in the next few days. It is important to note this will replace the old shopping cart system so it is important when we update to add the new shopping cart to your site. The shopping cart will also include a 30 day trial so it can be used and tested right away.

Some new updates that you can look forward to over the next few weeks include;

The completion of theme packaging, allowing our users to share and design themes for other sites, followed by a new area in our theme library section that will allow our users to post custom and design editor compatible themes for other users to download, and/or purchase with a revenue share model.

We will be converting a number of systems like our roster, blog, event calendar, etc over to completely element based pages to give you more control to layout those pages anyway you want.

We are still working hard on our complete rewrite of our member profile system that will give our site owners more control over the profile pages on your site. This will be our largest update of the year due to all the factors that have to come together for this update to be completed including updating current profiles so the loss of profile info is limited. Some new features will include; ability to setup your own default profile arrangements, full moderation of profile content, multi page support, ability to define the naming scheme for buddies, and ability to turn off profiling all together, just to name a few. We expect our profile update to be released by the end of next month.

I would like to remind you about comments, please do not post support related questions here, comments that do not directly relate to this news release will be deleted. Please stay on topic when commenting on any of our news entries. We have direct support access for all of our premium customers to assist you with your problems, & questions.

Big Updates for Site Navigation and More
After weeks of work on this, we have completed an update that adds sub menu options for your site navigation. The big question now is how to use it, so instead of talk about features I'll jump right into how you add it to your site.

Bring up your navigation editor; either by clicking the Navigation button on the tool bar, or by clicking the edit button on any navigation element on your page.

Hover over any of the navigation buttons (except ones in the unsorted box), you will see a new option next to edit and delete . Click that button to bring up the submenu box for that navigation button.  Drag buttons into the new box to make them children of the main navigation button.  You can edit as many sub menus as you want while in the editor and organize your links. Then save it, and the sub links will show in drop down menus on your main site, which are when hovering over the parent link button.

Other features in this update:

Quick link adding in the Content editor. Add a new Custom Area element to your page or edit an existing one.  Highlight some text you want to change to a link and click the link button in the tool bar. A new drop down in that dialog box provides you with a list of all the pages on your site. Choose one to setup a link to that page.

Forum Thread Title Verification. Now when you create a new thread in the forums it checks to see if you have a title.  If you don't it alerts you and does not let you save until you put in a title.

Design Editor Fixed Page Width Option. For easier styling and so that your site can display exactly the same in different sized browser windows; you can now set your site to a specific pixel width instead of a percentage of the window width. To toggle between px and % click the small button in the upper right of the Page Width control on the Design toolbar.

Major Bug Fixes:

Several design modifiers have been re-written to work better with each other and other features on the site.

The Custom Registration form preview styling has been fixed.

An issue with the page delete dialog has been corrected.

Many other bug fixes and tweaks have been made throughout the platform.


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