Blog Entries
Uploader - Now Flash 10 Compatible

We as well as many modern web applications use Flash with their file uploading to add much needed functionality to the user expirence. Such as multiple file support and large file uploads.  With the release of Flash 10 pretty much every one of these types of uploaders were broken due to what we now know was a core change in Flash.  Any of you that have upgraded your flash plugin in the last week probably has noticed the uploader in the file manager and gallery stop working or were limited.

So, this past week we have put off a lot of the new funtionality and updates to focus on bringing an updated Flash 10 friendly version of the uploader.  We have just completed this and have released an update with the new uploader. Thank you for your patience as we worked to develop this fix, whenever something like this comes up we work hard to bring a solution to you as soon as possible.

Upcoming Webinars
Category: Annoucements

We have a number of webinars planned for the coming weeks. A webinar is a virtual seminar, thus allowing us to have live tutorials online and respond to questions asked by you our attendee.

Our webinars are part of our commitment to you and helping you grow with us. We have a range of topics that you can sign up for. Please reserve your seat early because there is limited space per webinar.

If you are serious about your website you should really attend, our webinars are great for beginners to advanced users. Anyone can register, tell a friend!

Theme Design (Thu, Oct 30, 2008 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT)

Registration Web Link:

How to Build a Website (Sat, Nov 1, 2008 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT)

Registration Web Link:

How to Build a Website (Wed, Nov 5, 2008 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST)

Registration Web Link:

Website Do's and Don'ts (Wed, Nov 12, 2008 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST)

Registration Web Link:

Building a Ecommerce Website (Thu, Nov 20, 2008 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST)

Registration Web Link:

Building a successful Ad Supported Website (Wed, Nov 12, 2008 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST)

Registration Web Link:


Click on the registration link for the webinar you would like to attend. You are free to signup for as many as you want, and webinars are free for you to attend.

Recent Spruz News
Category: Annoucements

We wanted to provide a recap of all the changes that have taken place over the last 30 days, and there has been some really important changes you need to be informed about.

Last month we released our news about Spruz Goes Premium.

Effective October 1st Spruz will be a premium service provider. The choice to no longer offer long term free unlimited websites and to go premium was not made lightly and was a decision that took us 6 months to decide on. We did this for a number of reasons, while we know there is a number of sites out there that provide free web services, nothing comes close to the features Spruz offers for a reason, Spruz is a data advanced platform, that allows you to create fully interactive websites, member orientated websites. As such the overhead for Spruz is very high. Providing free ad supported websites can not generated the revenue needed with 1 banner advertisement per page to maintain a company that wants to provide great support, performance and features to the public. Free websites also invite a lot of unwanted websites that add to the problem. We have to continually police websites for content because of advertiser and user complaints. If we can't keep advertisers then we can't keep the doors open, offering ad supported websites.
Remember: Other free providers do not give the level of support that we have always offered. Most people under estimate the need for support, but quality support for you can mean the differance between success and failure.

By moving to a premium service model our users can upgrade and monetize there own traffic with as many advertisements per page as you want, and we give you the tools to make it easier to place ads on your sites, or some of our users sell products or charge for membership. The fees for upgrading are very affordable and scalable, most plan configurations cost less the a can of soda a day.

In completing this move we will reduce the demand on our resources while at the same time providing us a strong revenue stream to upgrade and add new hardware (BTW thanks to those that have upgrade already we have just tripled our hardware that will be deployed in the next few days.) All sites created add to the data demands of the system.

After the last free 30 day period we will begin the great site purge (Deletion of Websites), after that point everyone should notice more stability, even faster page load times, and more programming added to the platform to bring you the best features, and advancements.

New Webinars Announced!

As part of our commitment to our users we will start having regular webinars on a wide range of topics. For those of you that are not familiar with a Webinar, a Webinar is a web based seminar that you can join from the comfort of your PC. Webinars have real-time video and audio, allow us to show and teach participants in real time. Our first webinar is tomorrow at 8pm EDT and will be a general Q&A How To. We still have some space available, about 540 have signed up for the event. To reserve your set, go to

We have added live chat help!

Recently we have added live chat help as another tool to help you with your website and goals. This is all part of moving to a premium network. Live help is located is the support and payment areas of the websites.

We now have Email Accounts as part of the upgrade!

When upgrading your site and if you added the domain name, you get your own email We have included 10 email accounts, but you can add more. Access your email configuration from your site properties section in your site administration.

In other news!

Of course we have added many new updates, features, and fixes t

Email Now Included with Upgrade
Category: Annoucements

We have finished updating the platform to allow for the creation of email accounts for your domain name. You can now create emails for your site members

We include 10 email accounts by default with unlimited aliasing. For those that do not know what aliasing means, you can setup an email for yourself then add other email aliases to that account login. Thus you would have a login for and you can add sales, contact, etc to your email account that would all be sent via your main account.

You may configure your email by clicking on Site Properties in your administration area of your website and clicking on Configure Email. Once configured you will have access to the mail web administration to add additional email accounts, setup groups and lists. Your email works perfectly with popular email clients like Outlook, etc.

Please note you must have your own domain name, not a sub domain for access to the email service.

With our upgrade plans you can order up to 500 email accounts.

One cool feature we will be adding soon will be an feature or element that you can enable for your site to that allow your site members to sign up for Email service automatically right from your website. Thus you could offer anyone free email service within your email account limits.


We hope you enjoy this new feature, like anything new there might be bugs, problems, or issues. The development of the platform never stops, please let us know if you encounter any issues, or you have suggestions.


Site Update Applied

We have just released our latest update that brings a number of bug fixes and new features to your website.

As part of the update we have added the ability for you to collect additional information from your visitor when they register on your website. You can customize the custom registration part by clicking on your Community tab and clicking on Edit Form Questions. When someone registers they will see additional page to your members that will allow you to collect anything else you want when someone is registering. Right now this has not been added to the Site Joining if the person already has an account on the network but will be added to that in the near future. This has been a top requested feature. You will be able to view the registration info they entered from the Member Administration area by clicking on the edit button then view registration.

You will also notice the new look to your members section in Community. We have updated the look as part of our polishing process on the administration areas.

If you have ever encountered an error before, you will notice we have completely redesigned the custom error page. Our new error pages now include a way for the user that encountered the error to give us further information to troubleshoot problems. All errors get logged when they happen, this allows us to review and locate problems normally before they become a problem. The additional collection of info from the user is but another measure to help us provide the best possible platform for your website.

Other fixes and updates include;

  • Fixed an issue that would cause Forum Moderators to disappear
  • Fixed an issue with deleting comments in the gallery. It would look like the image was deleted, when removing a comment, we have corrected this.
  • Fixed a problem when a profile was first generated it would not create the profile info box.
  • Corrected the file space reporting for websites. The web space should properly reflect your space available based on your package in the file manager.
  • We optimized our scripting that is used on the Content Builder, it should perform much better and snappier now.
  • We addressed several UI compatibility bugs on the Content Builder that would have effected some Firefox users and people using Mac based browsers.
  • Fixed some forming bugs with our HTML editors on the Content Builder and Forums.
  • Fixed an issue when creating a new page on a Mac Based Browser that would display a page not found message when adding a new page.
  • Corrected several problems with the Form editor on the Content Builder
  • Added the ability to insert an HR line with our HTML editors on the Content Builder.
  • And we added a new SPI code for use with the Roster that will display days since last login. Use $member-last_seen in member related column in the roster.

We have tons more planned, we really want to work towards bringing you many new features that continue to work seamlessly with your website. Our next update is planned for release by November 5th that will include some really exciting stuff!


This website is powered by Spruz