Blog Entries
New Basic View Mode for Content Editor

We have just completed a new simplified viewing mode for the Content editor. In this mode many of the more advanced or less used options are hidden allowing for a more streamlined editor. Designed with the new user in mind particularly; we have worked to make the most common tasks, such as dragging elements to change their layout, the primary focus of the editor. Element editing has been removed from the Content editor when in basic mode, and is strictly front end. Check out the changes and give your feedback. You can switch to Basic View by clicking the Basic View tab in your Content section.

Also in this update:

  • Fix for the Change Layout tool to make the saving the new layout beheive more consistantly.
  • Fix for Chrome and Safari title positioning in the Design editor.
  • Front end edit options now display on all elements even if they do not have header text.
  • Content editor nav buttons now display options in a cleaner format that is easier to use.

And many more bug fixes and styling tweaks.

New Update Released Today! Improved Link Directory and Elements
Category: Annoucements

We have just released a new publish that brings a new and improved link directory system, and other improvements.

Features of the new and improved Link Directory

  • Allows you and your site members to post links to other sites complete with an auto image URL preview, title, description, and tags.
  • Admin created categories with unlimited depth category type structures. Meaning you can create sub categories upon sub categories.
  • Control the member level of who can add links to the directory
  • Tracks clicks and loads the clicked website into a frame that allows visitors to quickly return to your website.
  • Very search engine friendly structure.

To add the link directory to your website go to your Site Administration, then click on the Blue content tab and click New Page. You will see the link directory in the pages list. If you have the old link directory you will need to add the new link directory in order apply the update to your website.

Like any major improvement to a system, we will still be working on making the link directory even better over time thanks to feedback from our site owners.

Other updates released with our platform update today.

New basic XML site map support. This was added to address the many questions about submitting a site map to Google. Your site map URL will be http://YOURWEBSITE.COM/sitemap.xml

New Member Map Element. This is a new element that displays the members of your website on a Google powered map.

Miscellaneous Styling/Design Related Fixes

In Case you missed it

We have a few other updates to tell you about that were applied to the platform over the last 2 weeks.

This is a new live shout box element can be added to your site by going to your content builder then click on add elements/discussion elements then selecting the live Shout Box. The best part about the live shout box is functions like a mini chat room. The Live Shout Box displays the last 20 shouts from the past 10 hours. When shouts are made they will display the members picture next to there name and a link back to their profile page. We have a 5 second delay between each shout to prevent spamming and only site members can post in the shout box.

The new live shout box was released about a week ago and was tested directly on our Website owner community at for several days before it's full release. Meet other site owners at our Platform community

New Forum/Discussion Moderation Improvements!

It just got a whole lot easier to add Moderators to your forums. We have done away with using the UID number to add a moderator. This was replaced with a much easier to use search box that auto completes as you fill out the display name for your member.

When you delete, lock, or move a topic the topic starter now gets a message when this action occurs. This way you can easily warn the member when they break your forum rules.

There where some minor fixes we applied to the shopping cart system as well, such as the department description now only shows on the first page of inventory results when viewing items in a department and a few misc styling adjustments.

We have many more new features and improvements coming your way, so make sure you subscribe to our RSS at or follow us on Twitter at


As part of our business model we are always working on improvements, new features, usability adjustments, and new information that will help you grow a better community. If you see something that can be improved for the good of all then please tell us about it on the Spruz Support Community forums at


Free Marketing for your website with us.

We have recently made a few changes on free websites with how they are supported. As you know, to provide a free service that service must in the end be paid for by someone. In the case of anything free it is normally advertisers.

With our free websites we have decided to take a new direction in regards to supporting their service. Today we released a new update that puts more focus on Site Sponsorship. As part of this adjustment we have added a top Sponsor bar to all free websites. The bar does brand the website and provides a spot for a site sponsor of the free website.

Here is a website where you can see an example of how the sponsorship bar looks


Don't pay any attention to that websites colors, but notice at the top of the site is a Grey Bar that we will use to promote more of our services and rather then loading a free site up with advertisements we want to offer a simple up to 40 characters Text Link next to Sponsored By:

What does this mean for you? If you are one of our many paying customers we are now going to give you a 10 website block to sponsor for Free where you will have text and a URL link of your choice in the Sponsored by:

The Sponsor Bar displays on every page of a Free Website and up to 4 sponsors will be displayed per active free website.

When you get your 10 site sponsorship block you then would customize your advertisement by entering your Text such as you site name, then enter your sites URL, and finally pick the site categories you want our system to pick the sites you are sponsoring. Our system then picks 10 sites for you to sponsor based on their recent site activity.

To get started visit our Site Sponsorship page, remember you are the site sponsor as a paying customer of ours. The page it not for seeking sponsors. Anyone can purchase site sponsorship blocks for an very affordable, low cost way to purchase true text links.

Overlays will be discontinued soon.
Category: Annoucements

Are you currently using an overlay as part of your website design? If so then you will want to change your theme to one that does not use an overlay. On Friday August 14th we will disable current overlays on all sites. This will not remove any theme customization, only the overlay portion that may be on some themes.

Overlays were a method to apply a quick graphical overlay on top of a theme to give it a different look quickly. However the way they are designed prevents links under the overlay to be clickable, in addition with the flexiablity the platform offers in design overlays are no longer needed. There are many other reasons for this change, and while I am sure it will be missed by some this change is needed.

Before you worry, overlays are only in use by a small number of websites powered by our platform.

Your Social Website Series Part 1 - Getting Started

The internet is a great and wondrous place, with a few clicks of your mouse you can journey to places around the world within minutes. If you are like many others, building a website for people to visit and join can be allot of fun, build reputation, and even earn you an additional income source. If you are serious about building and growing your own whitelabel social community then continue reading, if not then you can find communities with your interests in mind by going to

Getting Started

Building and growing a website takes time, patience and some dedication, but it does not have to be work. It should be fun and exciting, and the website should be about what you like to do.

The first key to creating a successful website is to think small. To often people try create social websites thinking they will be the next MySpace or Facebook. The need for those communities is already filled, but you can be very successful filling different more targeted needs, this brings us to the beauty of niche social networking and social websites. A niche is a smaller targeted group of people that may share your interests.

Now that you can take advantage of DIY (Do it Yourself) Social Platforms, you can create a community that will attract a strong following if done correctly. The great thing about a Social Website is once you offer your visitors something that they are interested in, those members will grow your site for you. All you need to do is define your website, setup the framework, add some information and begin using it.

You are asking now what do you mean "If Done Correctly"? Just like anything in life, making the least amount of mistakes and using your time effectively is very important. That is why we put together 5 steps to getting started with a social website from a person with extensive experience in the field, Jay Roberts Co-Founder of Spruz Inc

Step 1. Decided your focus

Your websites focus is extremely important, would you get in your car before knowing where you are going? Nor should you begin you website without first thinking about your target. What need is your site filling for your visitors through information, social interaction, and/or e-commerce channels.

Example 1: Lets say you want to create a website about dogs, Well there are already many sites about how to care for your dog, find a dog, etc. But there are not many sites about a certain type of Dog, So lets start with a website about German Shepherds. On Google over 250,000 people search just the using the term German Shepherds just last month. So when you begin building the site it should have information very focused about German Shepherds You can use the Google Keyword Tool to find search volume of a key term. Now just imagine if you just had 10% of those people searching using only the words German Shepherds clicking to your website that would turn into 1000's of dollars a month is just ad revenue. Important to note that search engines favor sites with very focused content and will rank higher then sites about many different things.

What's great about a focused site is people like Niche networks that are only about just want they are into and does not present them with information they just plainly don't care about, plus advertisers will pay you 10X more for advertising on a site that has a focused demographic of users.

You have filled your first need! By giving a place where people can meet and share their interest with other German Shepherd Owners. BTW there is not a social community online that is just about German Shepherds. This is just one example on how you can focus on just one small segment and in turn build a large following around it.

Step. 2 Setup your website and pick a good name you can stick with.

Rome was not built in a day, nether will your website. While getting your site started on the Spruz Platform is quick and easy, configuring it to your needs and focus will take a little time. The same goes for any other website platform, but Spruz is by far the most flexible for expandability for you. It is important that you pick a social platform and a domain name for your website and stick with it.

The single biggest mistake people make after they setup their website, they want to change it out or delete it and start over. DO NOT START OVER. If you get bored or tired just create a new website and come back to your first site later. Search engines rank your website first and foremost based on the domain name and how long your site has been up and accessible. To learn more about how to get a good ranking in Google, read our "How to get your site in search engines like Google" article that has some great information.

Step. 3 Add Information about the site

It is important that, when your German Shepherd Fans visit your website they need to know that your site is just about German Shepherds and nothing else. Don't worry about not being able to expand upon this later. All to often we see sites that get created and they miss the most important part (A Clear Description). Making your site description obvious to your visitors is very important! Your site description should be no more then a paragraph long, with maybe a link to your about us page for your visitors to read more about you, your website, and maybe a mission statement. About you and your site should not be something that is left out.

By making the description clear and telling others about your site clearly, helps you in 2 ways.

  1. When people find your site they can tell right away what this site is about.
  2. Search Engines Rank you higher and quicker if you have focused content.

Think about how you use the internet, how many sites do you visit in a day and what captures your interest to browse a few pages on a site you found. The goal is to keep your site visitors from bouncing. Bouncing happens when the visitor only visits one page of your website. We recommend adding Google Analytics to your site so you can see how long your visitors are saying and make changes.

Step. 4 Begin Adding Content - continue to do it regularly

Use the blog, photo and forums modules to build content at first, you must start using your site first before anyone else will. Make it a goal to spend 1 hour a week making some form of update to your website, This is often the hardest part, it is hard sometimes when we feel the only person we are talking to is the wall. However what you are doing is building content, letting search engines know your site is active, and when you post content it is automatically syndicated and used by our system, to assist you in getting traffic. If you are dedicated to adding blogs, forum posts, and images to your website regularly traffic will come! Trust me!

Future "Your Social Website" Series articles will go into more detail about content ideas you can apply to your website.

Step. 5 Spread the word!

This is the last key in getting building the success channel people to your site, that in turn will promote and grow it for you.

Here are 5 things you can do quickly, easily and for little to no $$ that will start opening the flood gates to your website.

  1. Invite your friends! We have built in inviting features that allow you to import your address book and send everyone a message with everything they need to know in order to get to your website and help you build content.
  2. Post your web address on your Facebook, Blog, twitter, and your other social places. This will let your friends know what you are doing and will help search engines find your website quicker. Remember every place you post your website address is another place for people and search engines to find you. Any place you are posting information to, try to mention your website address as a place where people can contact you.
  3. Put a free ad on Craigslist with information about your website, and why people should visit it. They have categories like services, and so on, that are for the most part free to post and will get a lot of views.
  4. Link Exchange! There are a lot of small sites that will exchange links with you if you ask them and you have information that would be useful for them to link to. In a lot of cases they will just add a link to their website without a link back from yours
  5. Advertise on Google or Yahoo Search, if you have a very focused website in the way of content and structure your keywords the same in your ad campaign, you can buy a lot of traffic for just 5 cents a click.

The key here is building your website about one interest you have and finding others that share that interest. It is all about you and what you are going to do. If you follow these Getting Started Steps, and you stay dedicated to your goals you are really off to a good start at building that successful website you are dreaming about.

Good Luck and Best Wishes!

Please feel free to post your questions and comments. Your success is our success as well!


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